The program of the European Union offers students of the participating universities the opportunity to spend part of their studies, usually between 2 and 12 months, abroad at partner universities, or in companies to acquire knowledge of foreign languages, intercultural awareness, and practical experience. There is general agreement that these skills cannot be taught in the home lecture hall. They have to be experienced and lived to get a real understanding of their importance for our society. That can only be done away from home – abroad.
The huge advantage of the program: Students receive financial support, do not have to pay tuition fees at the partner universities, and can be sure that they will receive ECTS for their stay abroad, which will be credited to their studies.
The aim of the program is to support and educate a generation that thinks of Europe as a whole, that is actively and culturally open to society, and thus works to initiate and implement important processes for the future of the EU and its partners. The European idea can only be brought to life through the conviction of every single European. The ERASMUS + program, therefore, offers many incentives to work with the neighbors, to dismantle borders and thus to make the European idea real. Turkey, as an important partner and neighbor of the EU with a desire to join the EU, signed the Bologna Declaration in 2001 and has been participating in the ERASMUS program since 2003/4. Since then it has been sending and receiving a large number of students to and from other European countries. The exchange program is popular with students and a large number of Turkish universities take part in it.
Staff also benefits in many ways from ERASMUS +. There are opportunities to visit partner universities to learn from them and to pass on best practice (administrative staff). Professors have the opportunity to teach at partner universities or to invite lecturers to give guest lectures. Universities have the opportunity to work together on innovative ideas and to exchange best practice examples. Finally, projects are also funded that stimulate innovative policy development, implement and promote policy dialogue, and promote the exchange of knowledge in the areas of education, training, and youth. We will publish further information here in due course. If you are interested, please contact us directly!
The name ERASMUS is reminiscent of Erasmus of Rotterdam, a European humanist of the Renaissance. It is also an acronym of the “European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students”. The program was launched in 1987 and has seen a number of developments since then. The EU provided 14.7 million euros for the current program generation from 2014 to 2020 alone. By 2017, 4.4 million students had already received funding.
A new program generation will begin in 2021 and will bring together many EU actions under one roof. The budget is tripled in order to lead the numbers of participating students to new highs. One focus will be on people with fewer opportunities and thus reduce social and cultural barriers.
In our globally active world, in which every person, every country and almost every company has various networks with friends, family, and partners abroad, there is a consensus that multilingualism, cultural openness and intercultural communication skills, as well as practical experience, teamwork, and independence, are essential to get along and be successful in professional life, but also in general. In addition, there is no doubt that these skills are difficult to acquire if you do not leave your familiar home. Job applicants who can prove that they have stayed abroad demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills through effective learning-by-doing. They have ventured into unknown territory, have left their comfort zone, and have returned, enriched by many experiences, contacts, experiences, new beliefs, and worldviews. Their eyes are open to other and new things, they are curious and flexible, interested in exchanging and learning with and from others and thus an important enrichment for their private environment, but above all for their future employers.
The ERASMUS + program offers you a unique opportunity to gather these experiences in a relatively protected and structured framework and to develop yourself professionally and personally. Your time abroad is even credited to your studies in the form of ECTS so that you do not lose any time during your stay abroad. The program is also financially attractive: the pretext of not being able to afford to stay abroad does not apply here! Studying at ERASMUS + partner universities is free of charge and you receive a monthly grant for your living (currently between €330 and €550 per month depending on the country and activity). The host university supports you in finding affordable accommodation, we help you organize visas, insurance, and all other administrative requirements. The EU also offers online language courses for numerous participants if they are traveling to a country whose language they do not yet speak. With a teacher of your choice, you record in advance which courses you will take abroad or which tasks you should work on during your internship in the company. This is how we ensure that the full recognition of the stay is guaranteed at the end.
So there is no excuse to miss this great adventure with its multitude of options! Because one thing is certain: Of course you should learn something abroad – for your studies and for life – but: you will see that there is also a lot of fun. New friends from many different countries are waiting for you! New cultures, new teaching and learning methods, culinary discoveries, and much more. Of course, not everything will always be easy, but we are your contact for all problems, even when you are abroad. We invite you to get involved in this new experience. You will not regret it! We speak from experience!
IHU is already an international university. 31% of our students come from abroad. Our focus is on social sciences and our lessons take place in English, Turkish or Arabic.
We will be happy to receive students from our partner universities on our Campus and in our courses!
The International Office of IHU will look after you closely before and during your stay. We are always there for you and look forward to seeing you and sharing your experiences! We help you find accommodation and can offer you a room in our dormitories. Furthermore, we will inform you in advance about visa requirements and our range of courses and help you find your way around the campus in the first few days. It is our concern that you have a happy, relaxed, successful time here, in which you will find many new friends, have good experiences, get to know our country and our culture and take many exciting impressions home with you, of which you report and which will change your life positively. Of course, we will be happy if you integrate yourself into your everyday studies, open up to your fellow students, tell them about yourself, tell them what is different here than at your home and thus also give them the opportunity to learn about themselves, their Culture and the outside view of this. This helps all of us to understand each other better, to build mutual understanding and to become more open to others and their views.
- Semester abroad or internship abroad in one of the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway and Serbia
- Duration: 2-12 months
- No tuition fees for semesters abroad at partner universities
- Financial support (currently between € 330 and € 550 per month)
- Online language courses in preparation
- Support for students with children or students with disabilities
- Close support from the International Office, which knows all partners well and takes over a large part of the organization with them
- With the Student Card Europe Initiative, the ERASMUS without Papers concept and the ERASMUS + app, it will be even easier for students from 2021 on to enroll at the host university and receive all important information for exchange. This also protects the environment.
- Graduate internships
- Low-interest loans for master’s courses completed entirely abroad through QNB Finansbank
Ibn Haldun University offers student exchange programs of varying lengths at both Undergraduate and Graduate levels. For information on partner universities, program details and how to apply, please visit our office.
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